B o r d o n i
B i o
Ricky Bordoni was born in Sondrio on April 25, 1992, in 2015 he decides to move to Milan, where he enrolls at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera. Today Bordoni lives and works between his adoptive city and his home town.
Time is perhaps the most fascinating mystery that humanity has not yet been able to solve.
The advancement of technology has allowed us to have ever more accurate instruments in its measurement, however Man is far from really understanding Time, as well as its implications in everyday life.
The world of physics is now in agreement in affirming that Time does not exist, despite that it is a concept that in the daily life of Man is of fundamental importance: we cannot do without it, we need it to carry out our daily actions and it regulates our reality.
Present, past and future are for humans something essential, something that allows us to understand what is happening around us; wondering what Time really is and how it interacts with us is of primary importance in understanding our role in the cosmos.

Using the Kierkegardian idea that aesthetic pleasure is primarily an intellectual pleasure, over the years, the study and deepening of the themes that we want to highlight have become the absolute priority of Bordoni’s artistic research: this results at a visual level in works that therefore presuppose contemplation.
The work must consequently be examined in an intellectual and only then aesthetic context.
In the artist’s production the theme of dialogue is recurrent, which intersects perfectly with the assumptions mentioned above. This last element,, dialogue, dear to Western philosophy, in the production of Bordoni takes place in two different visions: sometimes in tangible forms that, being shaped by the artist, constitute the work itself that dialogues with itself, other times in conceptual forms, where it is the spectator who must dialogue with the work using his senses.